Nordic Gerontological Federation

Board of NGF

The Executive committee
President: Carin Lennartsson, Aging Research Center, Karolinska Institutet, Sweden
1. Vice President: Mikaela von Bonsdorff, Societas Gerontologica Fennica, Finland
2. Vice President: Jette Thuesen, Danish Gerontological Society, Denmark
Secretary General at 27NKG: Amaia Calderón Larrañaga, Aging Research Center, Karolinska Institutet, Sweden.

Representatives for the Nordic Gerontological Federation on the member societies

Sirrý Sif Sigulaurdóttir, Sociates Gerontologica Islandica
Konstantin Shcherbak, Icelandic Geriatric Society

Vegard Skirbekk, Norwegian Society for Aging Research
Nils Holand, Norwegian Geriatrics Association

Joy Torgé, Swedish Gerontological Society
Peter Nordström, Swedish Geriatric Society

Mikaela von Bonsdorff, Societas Gerontologica Fennica
Heli Tikkanen, Finnish Geriatric Society
Linda Enroth, Finnish Society for Growth and Ageing Research

Pia Nimann Kannegaard, Danish Society for Geriatrics
Jette Thuesen, Danish Gerontological Society.

More information about the member organisations and their NGF representatives is presented on the interleaf About NGF.

Secretary and treasurer: Louise Scheel Thomasen, Danish Gerontological Society.

Scientific commitee

The Scientific Committee of NGF for the years 2023 & 2024:

Paolo Caserotti
University of Southern Denmark, Department of Sports Science and Clinical Biomechanics
Pia Nimann Kannegaard
Bispebjerg Hospital, Department of Geriatric Medicine
Aske Juul Lassen
University of Copenhagen, SAXO-Institute and Centre for Healthy Aging
Charlotte Juul Nilsson
University of Copenhagen, Department of Public Health
Christine Swane
The EGV Foundation

Ólöf Guûný Geirsdóttir
University of Iceland, Faculty of Food Science and Nutrition & The Icelandic Gerontological Research Institute Helsinki,
Faculty of Social Sciences
Sirrý Sif Sigurlaugardóttir
University of Iceland, Faculty of Social Work & The Icelandic Gerontological Society

Gudlaug Thorsdóttir
University Hospital in Reykjavik

Sigrún Sunna Skúladóttir
University of Iceland, Facultyr of Nursing & The Icelandic Osteoporosis Society
Baldur Helgi Ingvarsson
MD, Geriatrician, Landspitali University Hospital

Kristin Taraldsen
Oslo Metropolitan University, Department of Physiotherapy
Tale Hellevik
Oslo Metropolitan University, Norwegian Social Research (NOVA), Section for Age Research and Housing Studies
Marja Aartsen
Oslo Metropolitan University, Norwegian Social Research (NOVA), Section for Age Research and Housing Studies
Zada Pajalic
Oslo and Akerhus University College of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Health Sciences (HiOA), Oslo

Janicke Andersson
Halmstad University, School of Health and Welfare
Maya Kylén
Lund University, Department of Health Sciences
Joy Torgé
Linköping University, Department of Social Work
Andreas Motel-Klingebiel
Linköping University, Department of Ageing and Social Change
Charlotta Nilsen
Jönköping University, Institute of Gerontology


Ilkka Pietilä
University of Helsinki,
Faculty of Social Sciences
Sari Stenholm
University of Turku, Department of Public Health
Hanna-Maria Roitto
University of Helsinki
Jutta Pulkki
Tampere University, Faculty of Social Sciences

Elina Sillanpää
University of Jyväskylä, Gerontology Research Center, Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences


The Nordic Gerontological Federation (NGF) was founded 1974 as an umbrella organization for the gerontological and geriatric organizations in Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden. The primary mission of NGF is to support, organize and expand gerontological research, development and eduction within the Nordic countries. Read more about NGF by clicking the tabs in the left menu.