Board of NGF
The executive
President: Carin Lennartsson, Sweden
1. Vice President: Mikaela von Bonsdorrf, Finland
2. Vice President: Jette Thuesen, Denmark
Secretary General at 27NKG: Amaia Calderón Larrañaga, Sweden
NGF representatives in member organizations:
Sirrý Sif Sigurlaurdóttir, Konstantin Shcherbak, Vegard Skirbekk, Nils Holand, Joy Torgé, Peter Nordström, Mikaela von Bonsdorff, Jouko Laurila, Linda Enroth, Pia
Nimann Kannegaard and Jette
More information about the member organizations and their NGF
representatives is presented on the interleaf About NGF.
Secretary and
treasurer of the NGF: Louise Scheel Thomasen..
Scientific commitee
The Scientific Committee of NGF for the years 2023 & 2024:
The Nordic Gerontological Federation (NGF) was founded 1974 as an
umbrella organization for the gerontological and geriatric
organizations in Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden. The
primary mission of NGF is to support, organize and expand
gerontological research, development and eduction within the Nordic
more about NGF by clicking the tabs in the left menu.